

在我的朋友中,我以在创纪录的时间内吃完甜点而闻名,并且对我摄入的大量糖没有丝毫的内疚。我决定好好利用我对糖的渴望,每周去波士顿地区的甜品店或面包店,试吃任何东西,然后告诉波士顿大学社区我的决定。bobapp我的第一个尝试是满足我对冰淇淋的渴望。想要美味的意式冰淇淋,可以去位于纽伯里街224号的Piattini's,它主要是一家葡萄酒咖啡馆,但也有一个步行的gelateria,顾客可以在那里点意式冰淇淋带走。不过,要准备好花一些时间仔细考虑,因为只选择一种口味肯定很难。一共有170种口味,但每天都会轮换,有时一天会有24种口味,其中包括罗勒、柑橘桃子、榛子和香蕉牛奶焦糖。这里的顾客服务非常出色,服务员很乐意为你提供有关口味的信息,并允许你随意品尝(我就这么做了)。在我品尝过的一些口味中,有牛奶巧克力配巧克力片,很甜,很安全;纸杯蛋糕,一种含香草和巧克力的纸杯蛋糕;海盐,黄油奶油冰淇淋,有一点点盐; mango, a fat free sorbetto with a full, fruity flavor; and of course the dark chocolate, a deliciously rich and creamy must for any chocolate lover. Although all of the flavors were delectable, I must say the dark chocolate was by far the best. According to Raia Sdoyanova, who has been working at Piattini's for three months now, I'm not the only one who feels this way. "Dark chocolate is definitely the most popular flavor. It's 70 percent cocoa. People love it," she said. Pairing the dark chocolate with the sea salt makes for a contrast your taste buds will love, but feel free to mix any combination of flavors you wish. The only drawback to Piattini's is that prices aren't cheap. A small cup of gelato costs $4.99 and a medium costs $6.15. While it may be irresponsible to blow your work-study money on gelato every night, it's certainly worth the occasional splurge to indulge in one (or more) of Piattini's various delectable gelatos.
