

波士顿大bobapp学学院的共和党人(BUCRs)将支持VoteOnMarriage.org的活动,为他们的请愿书收集签名,以便在2008年将保护婚姻修正案列入马萨诸塞州的选票。为了做到这一点,VoteOnMarriage.org需要在9月21日至11月23日期间收集马萨诸塞州选民的65,825个签名。BUCRs支持婚姻,并敦促同学们质疑同性婚姻是否是对社会最好的。同性恋婚姻的支持者经常声称婚姻是一项“公民权利”。民权活动家杰西·杰克逊牧师甚至不同意这种说法。如果同性婚姻是一项公民权利,人们会认为黑人会加入争取平等的斗争,但民意调查显示,黑人基本上反对同性恋婚姻。黑人部长联盟甚至来到州议会,全力支持VoteOnMarriage.org的活动。同性恋武装分子劫持了黑人使用的民权言论,目的是让那些反对同性婚姻的人看起来像无情的偏执狂。同性恋者,不像非裔美国人在争取真正的公民权利时那样,在宪法中从来没有被认为是五分之三的人,从来没有被强迫坐在公共汽车的后排,等等。婚姻本身并不是一项公民权利。 However, for the sake of argument, let’s say that it is. Does that mean an uncle has the “right” to marry his niece? Shall polygamy now be legal? Where is the line to be drawn? Marriage is a millennia-old institution that has always been defined as the union between one man and one woman. To reverse this is to put at risk the basic foundation of human society, the family unit with one father and one mother. To argue against homosexual marriage should not be misconstrued to mean one is homophobic or a radical Christian fundamentalist who believes gays will burn in hell. Supporting the family as has existed throughout human history is not necessarily a moral argument. To support a family structure that is conducive to bringing up healthy, well-adjusted children is not bigotry. Opposing homosexual “marriage” is not synonymous with opposing homosexuals as people, nor is it synonymous with moral rejection of homosexuality. Homosexual marriage supporters often argue that it only affects homosexuals, so no one else should care whether homosexuals marry or not. This argument is completely fallacious. How much of actual government policy has a direct effect on those who enact it, or those who oppose it? If a government allows for homosexual marriage, it is effectively saying that the people under that government support it as well. is trying to allow the issue to be democratically voted upon by the people of Massachusetts to see whether they support homosexual marriage or not. Supporting marriage as one man and one woman is a bipartisan effort. President Clinton signed the Federal Defense of Marriage Act in 1996 (after a 85-14 vote in the Senate and overwhelming support in the House), which defined marriage as one man and one woman and said the federal government would not recognize same-sex marriages. Sen. John Kerry even expressed his opposition to homosexual marriage in the last presidential election and numerous Democrats in the Statehouse support The BUCRs urge those who support traditional marriage to join us in our effort to assist in gathering signatures. The people of Massachusetts, rather than activist judges, should decide for themselves whether or not they will support homosexual marriage.

Joe Mroszczyk校长,波士顿大学共和党人CAS ' 07伦敦实习项目Cell #: 01144 787 591 0383(我之前提交过这篇文章,但没有收到任何回复。我希望这次能出版,如果不能,我想知道是什么原因阻止了它的出版。谢谢。)
