

绒毛。在一个充满战争、经济困难和环境灾难的时代,它很容易被忽视。在萨默维尔却不是这样,超过1000人聚集在联合广场广场参加第五届年度“What the Fluff?”节日,庆祝大家第二喜欢的花生酱三明治的诞生地。“什么绒毛?”“向联合广场发明2010年致敬”,聚集了艺术家、音乐和戏剧表演者、发明家、幽默家和其他人,在它发明的地方向美味的食物致敬。据联合广场网站介绍,棉花糖绒毛是由联合广场的阿奇博尔德·Query于1917年发明的。联合广场网站称,自2006年以来,人们从四面八方赶来庆祝这种美味的奇迹,并向它的发明者致敬。“我们去年来过绒毛节,今年我们决定再来看看,”新罕布什尔州的中学老师琳达·曼加尼洛(Linda Manganillo)说。“我们是来找乐子的,它就在附近。今天是我儿子的生日,所以我们要庆祝一下。” Manganillo's costume included a Whoopie pie hat and a wig. Her husband, Dave, was dressed as a "Whoopie pirate." "I think it's fun to enjoy street festivals, especially ones that are as cool as this one," he said. "We come every year in honor of our son, who loves fluff." The festival had many different attractions for the different age groups in attendance. There were booths for face painting, which was popular among the many young children who attended the festival. Additionally, there was a booth for balloon hats, which many attendees wore during the festivities. And of course, the festival was dotted with dozens of vendors selling barbecue items and the fluff. There were also many games and competitions that aimed to get the participants covered in marshmallow fluff. This included a tug of war, in which the boys were pitted against the girls over a giant tub of fluff. There was also a bake sale and science fair devoted to subjects such as "The Adhesive Qualities of Fluff" and "Good Sports use Fluff." However, the attraction that drew the biggest crowd was the workshop on how to make homemade fluff, and the subsequent competition afterwards to see who could make the best fluff. All day at the festival, many attendees simply appreciated the absurdity of it all. "I came because it's my first time at the Fluff festival, and it's a big thing in Massachusetts. I wanted to see what all of the excitement was about," said Melissa DeLucca, who came to the festival with her two dogs. "I don't eat fluff very often, but sometimes, you just want a good fluffernutter!" "I think it's kind of bizarre," said Angela Hicks. "I just had to see what this was like. I'm surprised at how many people are here. And yes, I love fluff!"
