

要回应福蒂女士对以色列的错误看法(巴勒斯坦人不是以色列的主要问题)以及她对塔拉·斯特罗尔的攻击是一项艰巨的任务。尽管如此,我将试图通过指出她在回应斯特罗尔女士的意见时的谬误和疏忽来弥补她所造成的一些损害。bobapp苹果版Foughty女士指出,“在以色列建国之前,阿拉伯国家与犹太人有着良好的关系。”这对我来说是相当震惊的,因为在1937年(以色列建国之前),耶路撒冷的大穆夫提表达了与纳粹第三帝国的团结,反对犹太人移民到巴勒斯坦和建立一个犹太国家。随后在1941年,他协助了巴格达的亲纳粹起义,并在二战剩余时间里在柏林向阿拉伯世界广播,呼吁消灭犹太人。从历史上看,他的行为绝不是独一无二的,事实上确实反映了以色列建国前后阿拉伯犹太人的看法。bobapp苹果版我认为Foughty女士在声称“从历史的角度来看,阿拉伯人往往比欧洲人更能接受犹太人”之前,应该重新检查她的参考文献。这是一条快讯;在历史上,他们对犹太人的巨大迫害是平等的。Foughty女士问道:“为什么巴勒斯坦人在过去对犹太人犯下的罪行中首当其冲?” “What would drive a people to such a point where young men and women would blow themselves up?” She answers “the complete lack of future prospects because they can’t easily trade across the Israeli border, the fact they are still living in refugee camps in sordid conditions…” Ms. Foughty may be inclined to know that the Palestinians were offered peace countless times by Israel (along with allotments of land for their own state). This includes the extravagant gesture by Ehud Barak in 2000. This included Israeli redeployment from 95% of the West Bank and 100% of the Gaza Strip, the creation of a Palestinian state in the areas of Israeli withdrawal, the removal of isolated settlements and transfer to Palestinian control, Palestinian control over East Jerusalem, including most of the Old City, and “Religious Sovereignty” over the Temple Mount, replacing Israeli sovereignty in effect since 1967. Such a peace offer was unprecedented. The world was further shocked however when Arafat flat-out rejected the offer (which was everything the Palestinians asked for short of actually erasing Israel) and began the Intifada which Ms. Foughty is now blaming on the Israelis. Many of these Palestinians who now live in poverty had wonderful jobs in everything from the service sector to the “Israeli Silicon Valley” but for obvious security reasons could no longer pass between Israel and the territories on a whim. Further Ms. Foughty’s support of a Palestinian state is welcomed by this reader; however she may not realize that most Israelis would welcome this. They do have the best interests of themselves and the Palestinians at heart. This war (let’s call it what it is) is not your typical instance of “it takes two to tango.” While Israel is by far not perfect (nor will it pretend to be), it does not attack innocent civilians. It attacks terrorist leaders. Ms. Foughty will also be pleased to know that Israel is an American value, not a “conservative” value which many BU liberals enjoy. Claiming that Stroll presented a misinformed one-sided view is just…wrong. When Ms. Foughty understands this, she may have her “unbiased” view of this war.

塞缪尔·M·阿什纳CAS ' 07
