

波士顿以拥有全国最负盛名的大学而闻名,但据《赫芬顿邮报》报道,波士顿大学也是最严格的大学之一。bobapp7月初,波士顿大学被该网站列为全美11所“最严格的大学”之一,理由是该校“对宿舍聚会零容忍”。波士顿大学在其网站上的生活手册中概述了其政策,从毒品和酒精消费到摩托车所有权。根据生活手册,波士顿大学的酒精政策符合州法律。然而,“大学的个人行为标准大大超过了民法和习俗的最低期望,”该网站称。每一次饮酒违规,学生都将面临从罚款到与大学宿舍隔离不等的指控。学生还必须完成“e-CHUG”,这是一项关于酒精使用的在线评估和教育。然而,与《赫芬顿邮报》榜单上的其他学院和大学相比,波士顿大学的一些限制似乎没有那么不同寻常。例如,在彭萨科拉基督教学院(Pensacola Christian College),学生们必须告别破旧的牛仔裤、无腰带裤、色情作品和电吉他。同样,在奥罗罗伯茨大学,学生们必须告别长发、纹身、穿孔和凌乱的胡须。 Bob Jones University requires freshmen to be accompanied by "prayer captains" to walk to a study location late at night. In response to BU's rank, BU spokesman Colin Riley emphasized the university's aim to provide a nurturing atmosphere for its students and residents. "BU takes great pride in creating and maintaining a living environment that is most conducive to studying, learning, making friends, experiencing new things and helping students make a successful transition to becoming independent, responsible, caring and civic-minded adults," he said. Concerning the "strictness" within BU dorms, Riley pointed to residential life student and staff workers' "efforts to ensure students' safety on campus." "Some 300 resident assistant peers and role models along with more than 25 professional residential life staff work hard throughout the year to create a safe and secure residential environment that fosters personal development," he said. Yet BU's reputation didn't come as a shock to BU students. As a freshman in the College of Arts and Sciences, Xena Dreyfuss hasn't come into much contact with BU's supposed stringency. However, she said the policies "sounded strict" from the many orientation lectures. "When I hear about other schools, like friends' schools, BU sounds more strict," she said. CAS senior Jared Freeman said he wasn't surprised by the strict assignation. "I think it's sort of valid," he said. "The way BU polices its dorms is different than other schools. My friends who go to other schools can more easily have social gatherings, but students here have to go off campus to drink." School of Hospitality Administration freshman Nikki Bruner condemned BU's severity on "little things that shouldn't matter." "We can't have our own microwaves, which makes it more expensive for us because we have to get them through the school, and we can only have three guests at a time...and something stupid like writing on sidewalks isn't allowed," she said.
