
Easy A就是A+

“我曾经默默无闻,”奥利弗·彭德格斯特(艾玛·斯通饰)说。她清晰的声音在她高中的草地上响起,所有人能想到的是,“哦,太棒了,又一个陈词滥调é青少年电影。”然而,当她清晰的脸和刻薄的态度通过网络直播出现时,很明显Easy A绝对不是另一部青少年电影。在电影中,奥利芙是一个爱挖苦人的青少年,她在欧哈伊高中读书。然而,在对她最好的朋友里安农(艾莉森·米哈尔卡饰)撒了一个失去童贞的小谎后,奥利弗从隐形人变成了无敌人。突然间,Olive的名字到处都能听到,因为学生们用不真实的故事来制造谣言。听说她明显的滥交,同学布兰登(丹伯德饰)接近奥利弗,希望通过发生性关系,他可以改善他的声誉。相反,奥利弗只是假装和他上床,他的社交生活就得救了。不幸的是,奥利夫的幸福永远受到了损害。 More and more classmates flock to her in hopes that she can do the same for them. As a result, she is deemed the school slut and is in danger of losing not only her happiness, but also her place in high school. A modern Hester Prynne from Hawthorne's Scarlet Letter, Olive bears the crimson letter "A" on her chest as a glowing reminder of her actions. Stone definitely rises above expectations in this film. She provides quick-witted humor that keeps everyone gasping with laughter. Her chemistry with parents Dill (Stanley Tucci) and Rosemary (Patricia Clarkson) is evident, and portrays the image of an unconventional family. Tucci and Clarkson send audience members into hysterics whenever they are onscreen, together or not. Nevertheless, one of the best parts of the movie is, without a doubt, watching Olive interact with enemy Marianne (Amanda Bynes). Marianne's purist attitude, although very annoying, provides an interesting contrast to Olive's unholy one, especially when Bynes' character becomes agitated. Luckily for director Will Gluck, there are only a few things to be disliked: the amount of crude language, and the performance of guidance counselor Lisa Kudrow. However, Easy A is definitely worth seeing. It was reminiscent to the 2004 hit Mean Girls, as Olive Penderghast is comparable to Cady Heron (Lindsay Lohan). Her greatest desire is to be noticed, and when she finally climbs the social ladder, she wants to descend again. However, we all (well, at least most of us anyway) loved Mean Girls, so there fails to be any reason for everyone to dislike Easy A. Characters are sharp, sassy and all around hilarious. Plus, for all of you romance lovers out there, Easy A includes a love story with Gossip Girl star Penn Badgley! This film is laugh-out-loud funny, and a definite good choice.
